What’s Responsible For What They Are

As a journalist, I’ve met and interviewed many people everywhere and from many walks of life. That has meant going beyond the assumed and obvious to discover what they believe and the reasons for their actions.

Especially challenging have been the high achievers, especially those who have become wealthy, hold a top position in an organization, or are a leader in their community. Their actions most always reveal how they inwardly view life and meet the challenge of managing themselves.

What at first appeared to be only random and scattered similarities soon formed a pattern of traits and beliefs. Although what follows is an incomplete list, it does provide a logical starting point for understanding what’s behind exceptional performance.

  • Rather than holding others responsible for what happens to them, they shoulder that responsibility themselves. No matter how many or how good their cheerleaders, they know it’s up to them to make it happen. At the same time, they don’t hesitate to get and take advice, especially from those with demonstrated ability.
  • They listen to themselves, particularly to any voice urging them to take a specific action. Some call it a feeling or hunch, intuition, or even divine intervention. Whatever it is, it’s often a convincing reminder that what we call luck is merely a matter of preparation finally being able to take advantage of opportunity.
  • They seldom compare themselves to other people. Yes, they may use techniques or methods used by others to achieve certain results, but they are aware that no one in the world has ever been, is now, or will ever be exactly like them. They are, indeed, one of a kind.
  • They know that in winning a contest they are better than the others, but perhaps not the best they could be. After all, not only can competition teach them, it can also verify what they already know. Whatever the case might be, they take every opportunity to excel at an increasingly higher level.
  • They see the importance of staying updated on new technology. At the same time, they are cautious in adopting or responding to any condition that tends to demand a quick answer or action. To them, being alert without being reckless is the best strategy for protecting as well as improving what they already have.
  • They realize that making mistakes is part of the learning process and that there will always be disappointments and setbacks. Yet, they know they must regard such events as pieces of a much larger picture and be willing to acknowledge and accept whatever happens.
  • They have come to know that true happiness is a state of mind. Rather than simply existing, they see life as an adventure, joining the unexpected with the expected, nurturing the talents with which they were born, making new and exciting discoveries, expressing heartfelt love and concern for others.
  • They rely heavily on strong family ties and their belief in God and realize that both are extremely important if they are to genuinely enjoy their time on earth.

As for you, keep in mind that some traits may be more valuable than others; they sometimes must be bent in certain directions to make them meet specific needs.

In any case, however, you might find it interesting, even rewarding to compare these traits with your own. After all, those people who have them are living the only life they will ever have—and so are you.

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