Yesterday’s Playgrounds Of Learning

As with so many things, the true and often unseen value of what once was isn’t realized until later, so much later that it’s unlikely to ever return.

For evidence, you need not look any farther than a school playground whose main attraction is a plastic structure to be climbed into and upward where there await windows from which the young can look from and wave to those a scant eight feet below.

Yes, Adrian and Beth, that’s about all there is unless you climb down, then do it all over again. You met the challenge, and now it’s gone, … Read the rest “Yesterday’s Playgrounds Of Learning”

A Revelation Of The Finest Sort

It had been a long and full day of being professional, of being with others who either confirmed what Mickey and I already knew, or shared with us what we hadn’t known before.

Now, and as dusk of yet another winter day fell on downtown New York, we left the sidewalk on 42nd Street and walked down a flight of stairs to the restaurant below. Greeting us was instant warmth, neatly set tables, and soft lighting. In the middle of the room a fireplace crackled with a real fire along with a few sparks and wisps of smoke.

We settled … Read the rest “A Revelation Of The Finest Sort”

When Good Sets The Pace

It was easy to understand why the waiting list at Larry’s marina was so long, and also why the marina had grown from near nothing to one of the largest on the river. It was where well-mannered and safety-minded people kept their boats.

On the wall of Larry’s office was a picture of the “marina” when he bought it several years before—a short and rickety dock to which three houseboats had long been tied up. Larry laughed when he said that one boat was used for selling bootleg liquor, the other two used by local prostitutes on weekends. As the … Read the rest “When Good Sets The Pace”

Sparring With TNN

You meet the person and visit for about fifteen minutes. Enough to call it a friendship? No. Acquaintance? Yes, so you write them a short email, tell them how much you enjoyed meeting them, and you hope there’s a next time.

The next day, no answer. Same thing the rest of the week. Two weeks go by and still nothing. You rationalize. They’re busy like you are, so that’s okay. You get it.

Three months later, you’re taking care of email and one address looks familiar. It’s from your now not so new acquaintance. They acknowledge how much you know … Read the rest “Sparring With TNN”

Hanging Loose While Pulling Tight

No one lived up to that title better than Wade, a guy I met while serving in the U.S. Army. He began the day happy, and insisted on staying that way until the lights went out that night. There was nothing fake about those smiles or him. As a person, he was genuine.

That, however, was only half the story. Although he often laughingly and sometimes with a dash of daring tried to put elastic into a normally hard and fast rule, he never broke one. Fact is, he cast a dim view toward anyone who did.

Looking at Wade … Read the rest “Hanging Loose While Pulling Tight”

Two Versions Of Success

What I first noticed about my airline’s seat mate was his neat appearance quickly followed by crisply delivered chit-chat and a business card verifying his name was Dean and that his corporate title was “Director of Sales.”

As we continued to visit, he revealed he had recently bought a new house in an upscale neighborhood in Boston, that he had two cars and a socially active wife, and was an anxious father about to see his two daughters off to college.

He then filled in the rest of the picture with other details and insights most of which were positive. … Read the rest “Two Versions Of Success”

On A Special Stage At Christmas

Our immediate future could hardly have been more bleak.

We were less than halfway through military basic training during an unusually wet, cold, and bleak Arkansas winter.

Even worse, in three weeks most of us, including me, would be spending our first Christmas away from home, family, and friends. It was no wonder we just wanted to get Christmas over and done with as soon as possible.

As it turned out, however, it wouldn’t be that way for me and the other nineteen guys who had volunteered to sing in the Camp Chaffee chapel choir.

Captain Cuthbert, the chaplain, was … Read the rest “On A Special Stage At Christmas”

The Always Present Lust For Living

Driven by a mix of fear and excitement, I said goodbye to my parents and hurried up the steps. I was fifteen years old and about to take my first ride in an airplane, an American Airlines flight from Indianapolis to Buffalo.

The whole way, I kept my nose pressed to the window, still not believing where I was and what I was seeing. Afterward, I had trouble realizing how fast all of it had happened, or for that matter, how airplanes can even fly.

That first trip was even more special because back then, not many people had ever … Read the rest “The Always Present Lust For Living”

A Morning Glimpse At Humanity

After pouring your cup of coffee, you sit, get comfortable, and take a look at your surroundings.

On the right is the motel’s check-in counter. Straight ahead is a long hall off which are all the rooms on the ground floor. At the left is the complimentary breakfast buffet that brought you here a few minutes ago.

Two women, one older, the other appearing to be her adult daughter, are preparing to bake a waffle. The younger one spills some of the batter, first on the table, then a few drops on the floor. The older one’s eyes say “Why … Read the rest “A Morning Glimpse At Humanity”

Old Gold Goes To Sofa Heaven

As a sofa, I knew my life would eventually come to an end. Nothing lasts forever, not even furniture. Still, I never expected it to come so suddenly with screaming winds, blinding rain, and unprecedented angry surges from the sea.

Before I explain that sad part of my life, I must tell you my good life began when I was bought by an older couple. For many years, they owned a house in a quiet neighborhood in western New York. Then in 1968, they built a new home in Cape Coral, Florida, in which to spend their retirement years. I … Read the rest “Old Gold Goes To Sofa Heaven”