A Monster In A Pretty Box

Yes, the marketing geniuses had designed the box to colorfully display good things organically related to the proper nourishment of humanity—butterflies flitting from flower to flower, trees loaded with ripening fruit, kids happily romping through tall green grass.

I shoved the hype aside to tell myself that yes, I really could use this latest electro-mechanical wonder. Even if it made good on only half the claims, it would be an efficient helper in my quest for a longer life. At twenty-two bucks, even the price was right.

As I left the store, I peeked into the shopping bag to again … Read the rest “A Monster In A Pretty Box”

Where Is Miss Congeniality?

It seems like only yesterday that she existed, when she was voted that title because she was unquestionably qualified. She was the girl next door—friendly, engaging, an innocent bundle of energy, fun to be around, a girl with a sense of excitement who went beyond the ordinary to meet, greet, and visit with people.

Although the likes of her were everywhere, there was never a contest to see who was the best. No one cared. It was enough to admire such qualities and hope that whoever had them continued to be themselves.

Over the long haul, many who were never … Read the rest “Where Is Miss Congeniality?”

Taking A Look At Your Yesterday

You ask: Why should I do that? Sounds like a waste of time.

Nope, not at all. Of all your resources for leading a better life, your yesterday is among your most valuable.

Technically speaking, our yesterday began when we were born, but it didn’t begin taking conscious shape until we were maybe three or four years old. That’s when most people begin remembering. By age eighteen, we are well on our way to having much to remember.

The irony, however, is that regardless of how old you are, your yesterday continues to become ever larger. That’s true even if … Read the rest “Taking A Look At Your Yesterday”

What’s Responsible For What They Are

As a journalist, I’ve met and interviewed many people everywhere and from many walks of life. That has meant going beyond the assumed and obvious to discover what they believe and the reasons for their actions.

Especially challenging have been the high achievers, especially those who have become wealthy, hold a top position in an organization, or are a leader in their community. Their actions most always reveal how they inwardly view life and meet the challenge of managing themselves.

What at first appeared to be only random and scattered similarities soon formed a pattern of traits and beliefs. Although … Read the rest “What’s Responsible For What They Are”

Stop, Look, And Listen

There’s no telling how many lives have been saved over the years by people seeing this sign at a railroad track and following directions—or how many people are no longer with us because they didn’t.

Stopping, looking, and listening, however, has no boundaries. It might not be a matter of life or death, but it could make a difference in how you get along in life.

Grandad was considered one of the best farmers in Johnson Township. Those eighty acres and what was on them was his world and he treasured and cared for every bit of it—the land, crops, … Read the rest “Stop, Look, And Listen”

The Time A Looker Saw Nothing

New York City is a world crossroad, home of millions, throbbing center of commerce and industry, filled with promise for those searching fame. It was there and on a sidewalk in midtown Manhattan, that I found myself walking fast, part of a river of humanity.

Excited, I pulled a piece of paper from my pocket to check the address, eased my way toward the building, and pushed open a revolving door to enter a world of relative quiet. The receptionist ushered me first into an office, then into a workroom. There, I was introduced to the Art Director of FortuneRead the rest “The Time A Looker Saw Nothing”

When The Usual Wasn’t Good Enough

For all of his deep down seriousness as a farmer, Grandad also had within him a much lighter streak. It didn’t surface very often, but when it did, the results were delightful.

His farmstead’s cluster of buildings dated back to the early 1900s. Included were the two-story white house, big red barn, red machine shed, a wood corn crib weathered to gray, and a white concrete building for storing grain.

To that, he decided to add a small and simply designed hog barn about twenty feet wide thirty feet long with a single sloping roof. It would contain separate stalls … Read the rest “When The Usual Wasn’t Good Enough”

Imagine A Nation Of Keepers

We keep hoping a “one world” feeling leading to universal peace will eventually prevail, but that effort isn’t working. Even worse, while being concerned with what’s going on elsewhere in the world in terms of trying to avoid war, or at least keep the conversations going, we continue to shirk our duty at home—over commit our resources, waver in our original mission.

That shouldn’t, however, surprise anyone scanning the international scene. As someone once said: Hope is a poor business model. To that bucket of cold reality, the people of the world must add sharply divided political factions, religious zealots, … Read the rest “Imagine A Nation Of Keepers”

Wisdom Through A Window

Go for coffee (get stimulated), take the hundred steps across a driveway into the bank (get money or leave some), slip sideways about ten steps to the courtesy mail station (to mail stuff), then go back home.

It was a great arrangement. Efficiency plus. No muss, no fuss. One stop with three results. And all with socializing adding its light touch—like coffee drinking friends always good for a warm welcome, a quick story, a good joke, a quick recap of any problem no matter where it was occurring, and a confidence building “see ya” upon leaving. Then came the one-handed … Read the rest “Wisdom Through A Window”

Yesterday’s Playgrounds Of Learning

As with so many things, the true and often unseen value of what once was isn’t realized until later, so much later that it’s unlikely to ever return.

For evidence, you need not look any farther than a school playground whose main attraction is a plastic structure to be climbed into and upward where there await windows from which the young can look from and wave to those a scant eight feet below.

Yes, Adrian and Beth, that’s about all there is unless you climb down, then do it all over again. You met the challenge, and now it’s gone, … Read the rest “Yesterday’s Playgrounds Of Learning”