It’s All About Money

Money is so important it’s no wonder it and love are often uttered in the same breath.

We need it and never seem to get enough of it. Some people marry for it, are willing to break the law to get it, or even kill themselves if they lose all of it.

On a more positive note, we are forever challenged in deciding the best way to get more of it, save it, invest it, and spend it. For every person who believes in the old saying that money is the root of all evil, there are at least a … Read the rest “It’s All About Money”

Giving’s Other Bright Side

It happened only an hour ago, a bit of small talk while we were ordering.

The server said she had been working for her parents, but four months ago decided to take a job here, one of the area’s best restaurants.

When she brought the check, she added that although she regretted leaving the family business, all had gone well. She not only liked her new job, she loved it. The owners were “so nice” as were most of the patrons.

After mentioning a couple of proven pointers for creating a good working relationship with an employer, I explained what … Read the rest “Giving’s Other Bright Side”

Playing Both Ends Toward The Middle

Traffic is heavy and fast. Suddenly and seemingly from out of nowhere, a car races past you, then missing you by inches, cuts in front of you, changes lanes again, and is soon out of sight. Emotionally rattled, you utter several unkind, maybe even unprintable words. No harm was done, but the stupid and potentially dangerous acts committed by the other driver grind at you for the rest of the day.

Or consider this:

Barely two months have gone by since a person was hired to join your group at work and you are already feeling uneasy. The solidly credentialed … Read the rest “Playing Both Ends Toward The Middle”

Of Hopes, Dreams, And Eternity

It’s a tall stone obelisk, all four sides covered with heartfelt words written by a grieving mother.

She had been so proud of her son. While still in his twenties, he had already made his mark as a fine railroad engineer. It all came to a tragic end one stormy night on the side of a mountain near Asheville, North Carolina.

He was at the throttle as the engine and its attached coal tender began the long descent. About half way down, the brakes suddenly failed. Faithful to the end, her son was still frantically attempting to stop the increasingly … Read the rest “Of Hopes, Dreams, And Eternity”

A Day Of Contradictions

Before you ask, yes, these events did happen in just one day.

6:19 A.M.
A fellow subscriber on a forum devoted to photography detailed how, despite his best efforts, his bank account narrowly missed being robbed by an internet thief. That reminded me of our son’s friend who just last week lost $11,000 when a thief cleaned out his bank account. Another forum subscriber said AI (artificial intelligence) will soon be able to duplicate any person complete with photo I.D., handwriting, and almost all related statistics. His educated view: Thieves and scammers are outwitting the best of security systems.

9:05 Read the rest “A Day Of Contradictions”

Inviting Rivers And Oceans To Enter Your Life

All rivers have a beginning. Some are hidden and rarely seen while others are popular tourist destinations.

For example, a small spring at the bottom of a hill on a farm in southwest Virginia is the most distant source of water that eventually becomes the Tennessee River. There are no signs, so you must know exactly where to look to find this river’s birthplace. In human terms, being born there would be a quiet event.

The much larger Mississippi River, however, begins as the outflow of Lake Itasca in Minnesota. There, you can actually wade across the Mississippi, and on … Read the rest “Inviting Rivers And Oceans To Enter Your Life”

The Logic In Magical Darkness

Hard to believe but true: Only two lifetimes ago, the only light your kinfolks had came from candles, lanterns, and fireplaces. From nightfall to sunup, darkness had the upper hand. Then came the electric light, a development realized every time we flip a switch to flood with light what an instant before was in darkness.

A bit of indispensable even remarkable progress? Of course, but at an expense of which most of us are unaware.

You see, with the coming of darkness, we also sense tiredness, the result of a busy day. Its intensity increases to the point that we … Read the rest “The Logic In Magical Darkness”

Staking Our Future On The Wise Ones

Every civilization has had those who thought, believed, acted, and spoke wisely and with solid logic. Such wisdom was often hidden beneath another label such as an elder, minister, or teacher. Social standing didn’t matter, neither did wealth nor lack of it. The invisible badge they wore, and often in humble fashion, was that of Wise One.

In that respect, the past is also the present. Many people throughout the world qualify for that badge. They can be anywhere and everywhere, well-known or obscure, in a city or tucked away in some small town or on a farm.

So, you … Read the rest “Staking Our Future On The Wise Ones”

You And Your Extraordinary Idea

By extraordinary, I mean something wild and illogical enough to be exciting. It wouldn’t be impossible, but it would be probable enough to awaken and stimulate your brain cells to new heights.

The idea here is to step outside whatever you or someone else has assumed you would do. It would take advantage of your personality and talents, and activate your ability to go where you’ve never gone before. In making that happen, you would add spice to your life, and open new opportunities you never dreamed existed.

Sure, it would test your courage and your ability to innovate, to … Read the rest “You And Your Extraordinary Idea”

A Monster In A Pretty Box

Yes, the marketing geniuses had designed the box to colorfully display good things organically related to the proper nourishment of humanity—butterflies flitting from flower to flower, trees loaded with ripening fruit, kids happily romping through tall green grass.

I shoved the hype aside to tell myself that yes, I really could use this latest electro-mechanical wonder. Even if it made good on only half the claims, it would be an efficient helper in my quest for a longer life. At twenty-two bucks, even the price was right.

As I left the store, I peeked into the shopping bag to again … Read the rest “A Monster In A Pretty Box”